What is a Doomer?

A “doomer” is an individual who believes that the world is heading for a major disaster.

Doomers feel they live under the specter of an oncoming societal collapse where people will no longer have the comforts of modern society and will have to be preoccupied with survival. In the minds of doomers, this disaster could be caused by: 

  • climate change
  • peak oil
  • major economic crisis
  • global pandemic

Doomers generally have a pessimistic outlook on the future of the world and themselves. Many doomers feel like there is no reason to invest energy in improving their own life, social status, economic situation, or relationships. With the axiom that society will collapse soon, it is only logical to not invest in things based on the societal status quo.

The doomer mindset typically saps someone’s energy and motivation. But some doomers work to improve their local environment to be prepared for disaster or improve the broad environment with environmentalism or activism.

Some doomers personally prepare so they won’t need to rely on the supply chains, government, or law and order. These doomers take steps to prepare for a potential disaster, such as stocking up on food, water, and other supplies. They can engage in survival training, trying to learn to provide their own food and shelter and be able to protect themselves.

Other doomers try to improve their broader environment and societal system. These doomers take steps to reduce their environmental impact, such as reducing their consumption of resources or investing in renewable energy. Doomers can engage in political activism, often communicating and reminding people of the worst possible scenario if the status quo persists.






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